Archive for November, 2016

Links To My Novel

Posted: November 27, 2016 in Uncategorized















What if the only thing between you and happiness, freedom and living is Forgiveness? That “thing” being years and brainwashing thick. Will you attempt to climb over? Or chisel your way through? Most sit, huddled at its base feeling sorry for themselves. Is freedom worth the effort? The acceptance? Understanding? Will acknowledging fault be too much weight to bear? Takes one step–one word–one acknowledgement to begin that journey. What would convince you to start?

Now is the time to forget standard political policy. To forget religious dogma. To forget that people are different.

They don’t benefit us— real people who want more than All three have provided. We need to stop being afraid of who we are. Stop hiding behind beliefs, you’ve been spoon fed since birth, that turn one against the other. Parents against children. Race against race. Neighbor against neighbor. Stop depending on government and divisive religious tones to help you. Their extortion rhetoric and requirements are turning our societies into hateful distance mobs. We have lost the ability to think for ourselves. To be individuals. Our higher most tolerant and accepting senses are quivering beneath a blanket of hate.


Religion, political policy and race are creations erected by man to herd people into different groups to control us. This needs to stop. Walls need to crumble. Lines need to be erased. We are all here on borrowed time. We all eventually die. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? Quick story: My mom showed this strong woman in front of outsiders. I say outsiders because, like most of us, she had a different perspective inside her personal life. She was well liked and respected by many for good reason. At her wake, I realized just how many people cared about her. The room wasn’t big enough. People had to take turns inside to pay their respects. It wasn’t until I faced the prospect of death that I became more aware of who I’d become because of outside influences. And questioned if that person was the real me.

And thus, my journey to me began.

I was once a devoted catholic. I hated Sinead O’Conner for ripping a picture of the pope on national television. That’s how bad I was. Looking back…I have no idea why it bothered me so much. Could be my Swiss cheese memory, but I don’t think so. I hated her because Catholics hated her. I wasn’t acquainted with the First Amendment or higher thought, yet. The murmur of hatred buzzed around the religious world tainting all of us followers. If you hear something repeated, it becomes truth without logical or rational thought. Critical thinking gets chipped away and brainwashing takes over. That’s a fact.

I am challenging everyone who reads this to pass on the sentiment in their own words. This is a movement to get rid of intolerance and hatred propagated by the self-proclaimed elitists and entitled who only care about themselves. If they cared about anyone else, they wouldn’t incite hate and violence. They would remember that children get hurt. That their words destroy families. And cause innocent people to die.

Spread the word. Your word. Your love. Your tolerance. Your acceptance. Show the world we all have stories to tell. Share that part of you you’re afraid to divulge to the world for fear you will be rejected. I won’t reject you. Fear dies when people become intimate, acquainted. People don’t always do bad things because they are bad people. Most of the time they do bad things in the name of their perceived good.

Thank you for reading,

Genuinely Yours,

Mel Evers




Posted: November 9, 2016 in Uncategorized

I’ve gone back to the past to review younger pieces with older eyes, newer perceptions and a mind ready for progress.

The Renegade Press

A few months ago my partner and I bought a puzzle. We were in a bookstore stocking up on novels and she turned to me and said that she’d love to buy a puzzle and spend some time sitting down as a couple and putting it together. Ecstatic just to be spending time with her, I agreed, and we brought home one thousand little cardboard shapes that when aligned together in the correct sequence would show a view of the Amalfi coastline. I thought it would be easy. And that it would be fun. But while she could effortlessly match pieces together and allow the picture to take shape, I struggled horribly just to find two interconnected pieces, swore a lot, and eventually gave up.

I didn’t realise it at the time, but that puzzle wasn’t just a way for us to spend time together, it was a symbol that represented my life…

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It’s early morning and I haven’t slept. I’m pondering the outcome of “our” election. The sun came up as usual and my daughter’s cat is being annoying—as usual, so nothing, at this point has changed. I’ve been reading Facebook posts. The reactions are weighed down on opposite sides of the spectrum.

In my opinion, others have voted in a hypocrite, which is the worst kind of liar, but there is nothing I can do about him.

That being said…

My world is my own. I will remain true to who I am. I will oppose all those who try to take away my rights. I will step up and solidify my community’s security by keeping an eye out for anyone being a bigoted, homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic, racist bullies and put my life and integrity in the line of fire to keep this “leader’s influence from touching my neighbors, family and friends. I have and will always help a stranger either by donating food and or money. People who suffer and are afraid, have me on their side. People who are targeted because of their religion or skin color are, always in my eyes, my brothers and sisters related by our bond as human beings collectively.

I want to rant and vent. I want to scream and punch my punching bag until it’s nothing but a dangling piece of fabric.

What good would that do?

The sooner I move on spiritually, the better off I will be.

I’ve always believed, that no matter how bad something is, there is an inexplicable reason for it. And, some of the time,  we won’t know why until after we’ve moved on from life on earth to review our challenges and lessons. So, God bless us all. (My God. Not yours.) I really hope people were right about him.  Time will tell.