Archive for December, 2016

I vow to be me and continue being grumpy, but only until that first sip of coffee. To be annoyed by slow drivers. To fidget nervously in crowds. To appreciate the unique dynamic of my family. To watch and learn about people so I can be more understanding. Walk in other people’s shoes to gain new perspectives. To only allow me to edit my life. To live like I am the star of my award winning movie. Make decisions by what I know plus what I feel. To promote positive energy my way and not the way others want me to. I vow to continue being happy and confident just by being me. Thank you.

We have a personal moral code no matter race, culture or religion. Killers kill. Lovers love. Fighters fight. What we do is who we are. Words are significant when followed by action. Actions followed by words are deceptive. The absence of self preservation is an extreme mental disorder. Hate and passion are dangerous when dictated by a source outside your heart/mind. Be aware. Don’t be part of a mindless mob that follows someone else’s beliefs. You’re important. Your heart and soul are real. For us to unite as a nation of peace and prosperity, be the individual you are. The universe made you who you are for a reason. To follow another is to turn your back on self awareness. Parents, clergy, police anyone and everyone in authority are human. Don’t discount what you think because others have different opinions. Refuse the waves of hate, bigotry, racism etc. I am a woman. I am a mother. I am a wife. I am an author. I’m a warrior. But first and foremost, I am me.

Less is more

Posted: December 16, 2016 in Uncategorized
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I live in the past, present, and the future. I learn from what has been, bring it into the now and reference it to pave the way ahead. We all have demons to slay. Some are long dead ghosts. Others are flesh and blood reminders of guilt. In pursuit of personal peace, my choice of weapon is words. Anger killed me slowly. Fear kept me hidden. Guilt moved me backwards. Blame shut me down.  What was left, cried.

Cancer spoiled my pity party

Focus fight or die. I’m alive.