Archive for October, 2017

Susanna Madora Salter

Susanna Madora SalterFirst woman mayor in the U.S. 1860-1961

Soon after Kansas women gained the right to vote in municipal elections, voters elected a woman as mayor of Argonia. Susanna Madora Salter was elected the first woman mayor in the United States.

Born March 2, 1860, in Belmont County, Ohio, Susanna Madora Kinsey moved to a Kansas farm with her parents in 1872. Eight years later, while attending the Kansas State Agricultural College, she met and married Lewis Salter. The couple soon moved to Argonia where she cared for their young children and became an officer in the local Woman’s Christian Temperance Union.

Nominated on the Prohibition Party ticket by several Argonia men as a joke, Salter surprised the group and received two-thirds of the votes. She was elected in April 4, 1887, just weeks after Kansas women had gained the right to vote in city elections. The 27-year-old woman knew more about politics than her detractors realized. She was the daughter of the town’s first mayor. Her father-in-law, Melville J. Salter, was a former Kansas lieutenant governor.

Bote written by the mayor of Argonia to Susanna (Dora) Salter informing her that she had been elected mayor. CLICK TO ENLARGEAlthough she apparently performed her job well, Salter never sought another elected office. Within a few years, the Salters moved to Oklahoma where the nation’s first woman mayor died in 1961 at the age of 101.

Welcome to the Fantasy of Arms. Guns do not provide protection in reality. It’s all fantasy. Show me one person who actually succeeded in protecting themselves or someone else and Ill show you thousands who have died from gun violence and friendly fire. This notion that we have a right to protect ourselves with a gun is inspired by those who haven’t the faintest idea of what it’s like to shoot a gun whether under stress, with chaos ensuing and is ignorant about what really happens when you point one. The police carry guns. They are confronted with bad guys with guns all the time. They are well trained in tactical warfare. They are trained to stand in the line of fire and to talk down a nut with a gun. You really think the average person will succeed against someone who will kill you? The responsible people, who know the power and repercussions of pulling a gun on another person, want stricter laws. They are aren’t bitching and complaining about their rights, which are intact, they are doing their best to keep the rest of our rights intact. Like the freedom to go to a concert without becoming a carnival target. There has to be a beginning to end 8000+ gun related homicides and the thousands more that are friendly fire including children killing themselves. If you entertain the idea that the government will take away gun rights… that’s another fantasy the NRA and gun lobbyists want you to believe this so you yell about your rights. I, my children, my friends, my family should have the right to go out to parties, concerts, school, walk down the street without some gun toting malevolent insane gun activist shooting his glory into the crowd. When our founding fathers created this law… the guns they spoke about, took 30 seconds to load and then fire. I wonder how many people would be alive from all mass shootings if the law kept to that type of gun? Cause let me tell you. If you are defending yourself, and you miss on the first shot with any gun… you are DEAD. b9efe37bca9161aede1d46ba735c4687

  1. Their response wasn’t a miracle you ass! These people are heroes despite their job to help. Nameless others jumped into save complete strangers. Do you remember 9/11? People saving people. I know you haven’t a clue what selflessness means or the definition of Miracle or what it would take to create a miracle. It would be a Miracle if you put your selfish ideals aside and really focused your attention on the residents of the USA. instead you put a Nuclear target on our back and divided us by race, orientation and religion. And you idealize a Russian mobster. Your a wanna-be-Putin. What people fail to realize is you don’t care. Your lack of knowledge in history and law and compassion show every time you open your mouth. You signed a bill to give gun rights to the mentally ill. Ryan is backing a bill to allow people to legally obtain silencers. All this effort in death. What about working on our lives. You said everyone will be so rich they won’t be able to stand it. I knew you meant your billionaire friends, but you got elected on lies and hate. A true Miracle would be if you admitted it. You know how many deaths that would prevent? A miracle would be you growing a brain. A Real miracle would be stepping out of this “I care about everyone” and announce the truth. You were raised to care only about yourself. You were right about one thing when you ran for office. There was something wrong with the government. You getting elected proved JUST how corrupt it is. People lost their mothers, sons, daughter, fathers, aunts uncles etc. Young to old to gun violence and you barely bat an eye. Thousands of people are murdered a year by firearms. More by accidental shootings. Those facts have been ignored by other presidents who’ve fought selfishly for gun rights. So you’re not alone in your Someone disrespects a flag, and you go all ape shit. A flag is not more important than the people it represents. If we are treated like casualties of your insane sense of right, that flag no longer represents us. Just YOU! You spend all of your time golfing, watching Fox news and opinionated deviants such as Brietbart and Alex jones, proving just how out of touch with reality you really are. I refused to hate you…That would require emotion. I do feel bad for those you’ve tricked and continue to fool. I have no idea what they see in you. But I see you. And I hope that, as a people we will deny you the death toll you’re working towards by the end of your reign of death and hate.

What makes a person follow an entity who leads them onto the path of misery? Why do mothers and fathers choose to worship a god that puts its values before the love of family? Sounds more human than divine. Nature vs nurture. Experience vs command. Is there a line you won’t cross or will you die alone because that’s what’s been written. Religions have many personalities. I say personality because there are as many religious beliefs as there are humans. And those who don’t believe are included in the protein rich, spice riddled salad.

But let’s cut to the foundation of religious beliefs. You will only believe what you already accept as true. If you were abused and debased as a kid–authority is your enemy. If ten apologies after ten beatings keeps you in love and in place, bullies need to be understood. If you have been taught that wealth and entitlement makes you smarter and everyone else stupid, you will run a country as if the rest of us should be grateful for presence despite your lack of empathy and compassion or knowing what it’s like to struggle. It’s easier for some to discard their own ideas than to make a case for their own identity. It’s too much work. And it’s not like they’re alone in their beliefs. There’ll always be someone who validates them. Same mentality. Thinking–not worth the effort. The mob mentality.

People kill for their religions. People kill at the instruction of the voices in their heads. People kill because some ignorant human thinks the best way to run a country is to create a symbolic enemy. All religions have blood soaked into the pages of their books of scripture. Blood. Money. Power. Maybe at one time, there was a religion that took our need to dance naked in the rain as an expression of peace, or encouraged loved between adults, who promoted the health and happiness of children. I–for one–would love to read that book.

You can lay bigotry, hatred, racism, open condemnation at your god’s feet, blame it on your disgust of the world around you. But guess what? The rest of us see through the divine veil you place over your heads. We know you are hate. And in the end Love will defeat you. And We won’t have to lift a finger to win.